
Do you even lift?

The best thing he's done since Evil Dead II was producing Spartacus.


Matthew Rhys is Zach Braff and James McAvoy's butt-child.

Yes. Thank god a show you didn't watch got canceled so that you can continue to not watch it.

Review this shit!

Ever since she fucked her face up, I can't be bothered.

They mentioned it in this episode.

They mentioned it in this episode.

She looks like an overstuffed sausage in those outfits.

She looks like an overstuffed sausage in those outfits.

So, Ron's basically become an angry guy who really likes meat?

So, Ron's basically become an angry guy who really likes meat?

Way too "Keatony". The movie loses nothing without his character other than those weak DC jokes.

Way too "Keatony". The movie loses nothing without his character other than those weak DC jokes.

You haven't seen The Other Guys.