
Why did this show become retarded in-between seasons? Last year was incredible, now the characters are just silly.

shut up.

A more accurate title for this article would be "Favorite Unhappy Endings (Not Including THREADS)".

That took you longer to write than the screenplay.

Uh, so you mean it was "ironic" based on your preconceptions about the episode based on the blurb, vs. the episode title.

Irony doesn't mean what you think it means.

ur gay.

No one who says "I know, right?" has any interesting observations about anything.


Best sequence:


What the fuck happened to this show between seasons? Has the network ordered them to have a dozen baby reaction shots per episode?

Both are accepted nowadays, but people who use "jive" are worse than Hitler.

you're gay.

She is a Chechnyan prostitute, and you will address her as such.


Easier to syndicate that way.

Get a fucking shrink.

Louis must have assumed that people knew what the word "niece" meant. Because he used it several times.