The Lone Audience of the Apoca

Those weren't the only pop-culture references on Futurama. There was "Single Female Lawyer," and there were quite a few more. But most of those relied more on the writers' awareness of the conventionality of the things they were mocking- the dull sameness of the ballyhooed new. This, like most Apple/internet culture

They did seem to be acknowledging that early on, and there is a fine episode somewhere in that subject. I don't know why they decided to take a turn into the laziest comedy possible.

I was worried when the Mom business was a direct comment on Apple, and an unoriginal one. But the boil virtually ensured I will never watch this episode again, even though several scenes were very, very funny.

"Is all the work performed by children?!"
"Not the whipping."

Writing off Flexo is idiotic! I expected him to get involved in some misadventure on the Third World (which was a really, really inspired scene, and would've made for a much better episode than the one we got). Instead, it was "Goodbye, Beloved Character! Hello, Singing Ass Boil!"

Everybody's talking about this internet thing with the viral this and whatever. Well, Susan Boyle is the utmost personification of this trend. LET'S GIVE LEELA A SINGING BOIL, ON HER ASS, AND NAME IT SUSAN! Whoa! That's a day's work motherfucker! I am gettin' PAID!

Eh, we've been trading quotes from that thing on Twitter for like 30 minutes. It's the gift that keeps on giving more and more crazy shit.

Were they made of sugar, or just glazed? I imagine the latter is more satisfying than the former.

Who the hell wants to avoid the cunnilingus? She's not Madonna, for Christ's sake.

She had an Academy Awards ceremony flashback and almost agreed before quickly coming to her senses.

"Common sense" changed its name to "Common" and its records suck lately, so let's not invoke it just now.

It takes a special kind of asshole to suggest that black people rape pigs, though.

Somehow I feel like it's not the best idea for Mr. Sugartits' face to be on any poster with the giant word BEAVER.

@YourName, they used morse code through the wall in their apartments at one point, I think. But I agree that it's a horrible basis for a viral marketing campaign.

Before the Verdict has one of the best covers I have ever seen.

There are sometimes midnight screenings of LtROI in Lexington, KY. There are probably some close to you, Craikaeb

There is an elegance to the imagery in the trailer, but it closely resembles the original film. I assume they're going to edit the parts dealing with the ambiguity of gender, and will possibly tone down the implication that Oskar is a budding psychopath. This will neuter the film. But I don't think that they need to

Bigger than Zero Mostel riding a bull?!

That was the president again. I've got to steal back the X1 before the Soviets find the secret compartment containing the microfilm. The future of the free world is riding on this one.