Eddard Stark

Yes, excellent work. Now, can we ask for the next series in review? Hmmm… a television series with great themes, writing and acting that was sabotaged through the interference of its network.

So… do you define "penis" as good or bad?

I'm interested and will be coming into some money soon. I'm helping this guy in Africa clear up a fortune by giving him my bank account number…

Good rule.

Hellboy: Great movie, great comics.

Except we all still want to sleep with Angelina Jolie. And she can actually act.

I give your idea four Hands of Fate and a push.

But the most important question is…

Nice theory, Hot Carl.

Can I just say?

Journey, they did. It's called "Epic Movie"

Lobsters, stop making jokes like that. It is like comparing Paris Hilton with Alison Hannigan. One would have to put on a Hazmat suit before touching either Ms. Hilton *or* Ms. Anderson.



But I like it.

No, the music was not "metal," even back then. It was mostly middle of the road rock. And aside from a few standout sequences, the movie itself was pretty middle of the road too.

Dirty guy, your logic escapes me. I kind of like not having to wait five months for a book or movie.

What counts as a cult besides Scientology?
OK, maybe I'm confused. I thought this feature was designed to highlight obscure films that deserve further review by the DVD-enslaved populace.

Way of the Gun, please.

No. People who believe "Left Behind" is a well-written series are.