
Tiger Tank is probably going to be one of my favourite songs ever. I can't wait for this album. I should download the Ka-Prow single and Sports EP from Bandcamp too. I might only have heard four songs by them but they are all incredible. Just hooks upon hooks.

(In case that isn't rhetorical:) to be found on Google.

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"I'm sure we can think of other words that should be stricken from the collective film critic-scape."

Nazi hipster?

I just typed 5 paragraphs and my browser crashed and it's all lost. Fuck it.

Hyperbol-E-Meter isn't just the best gimmick account … it's the best account the AV Club has ever had.

Me too, but when I don't like a film that I feel I'm "supposed" to like, I'll determinedly read about it to try to prove myself wrong, or find out what I missed. But some films, the more you think about them, the worse they get, because there's not actually anything there.

Outside of Stamp being HAWT, what did you like about it? I kind of liked the boy's storyline, it was the only one that was remotely meaningful to me. Like, Terence Stamp is pretty hot, so the wife starts fucking strangers? What the hell is that supposed to mean? I got kind of pissed off reading the interpretations.

I thought that Maria Braun was a huge mess and that the titular character was too much of a void. I should probably watch it again though. Salo should have a scene where they force the kids to watch Theorem because that film is worse than eating shit. Not that Salo is much better.

You try living with a Dawes-less AV Club.

The girl and her boyfriend break up, she calls the "grandfather" to come and pick her up. She's been hit in the face. In his apartment, the boyfriend rings the bell outside and starts yelling through the intercom (and then via the window).

I wrote another few paragraphs but IE decided to crash. So consider yourself lucky.

I don't think it's relevant to the work whether or not Kanye is misogynistic. Like you say, it's undeniable that the lyrics themselves are.

Yeah, why does everyone hate Harmon now? He created Community, you bastards. About 97% of AV Club comments wouldn't exist without him.


Right, because it is impossible for something to be inherently inferior.

They'll always have that time Carmela went to Paris on her own.

You should be proud of this.

It's different for different films and different people. Some people get headaches from it. Some films use it in an egregious way. Some films are good enough that the stupidity of 3D can't distract from it.