And I feel guilty about the sense of injustice I get, knowing that douchebags like your boyfriend can get girls (who post on here, no less), when I can't. Mmm, pathos.
And I feel guilty about the sense of injustice I get, knowing that douchebags like your boyfriend can get girls (who post on here, no less), when I can't. Mmm, pathos.
Hell is hot my friend. That's indisputable. [Paulie finger-wag]
The html code for a line break is br. (Put inside < >)
Don't be fatuous, Victor.
Even if it's just a coincidence and you've never heard that live album, I love this comment.
Wow, thank you! I think it might be my most-liked comment ever. I feel kind of bad about getting the credit for it though, since it's just the hilarity of the column, distilled.
@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Cousins.
Can we still be friends?
You're stupid. And ugly. Wanna go out sometime?
Looks like the people who make posts about how they only just realised you could comment on here (and that they had their reservations about this fact) are off this week. To tide you over, here's a comment deep from the AV Club archives:
What I'm questioning right now is the veracity of the Curb Your Enthusiasm where a hamster crawls up Larry David's anus. I think that would be called reverse-hamstering, or (to hamsters) Larry Daviding.
Girl: Oh hey, Don('s friend), you wanna hang out on Saturday?
It reminds me of this time I left my baby alone in a car for 5 hours, with the windows rolled up. It was during the summer, so that was pretty ironic.
Agree, I want Classic Savage every week. Savage Love's Labour's Found.
Those quintessentally hunger-dunger-dang Papa Roach lyrics are a minor AV Club meme, I believe. I've not been reading the comments a lot over the last few months.
Which image?
— Viktor E. Frankl
You'd think you'd hear more of them on the radio, given that they're so integral to keeping the music industry afloat.