
As much as some of the lady's sense of entitlement about using the men's fire was obnoxious, I found the men's passive-aggressive bitching about it as, if not more, annoying.

It was unsettling how many teams made sure to mention how long they've been out of school or that they were English majors as an excuse explaining why that task was more difficult for them.

I actually found myself covering my eyes in shame watching that Bruno Mars scene. Not only was that guy every kind of terrible, what was the concept of that show even supposed to be? The dancers even hammed it up for a camera (that was apparently on the stage set?) at one point! Why would there be camera up there?

As much as the Hank Aaron clue came down to Googling - those are the kinds of clues I like! As in, they're actually clues. For these races to be challenging (and at least see some more shifts in the standings each leg), they should take a large chunk of those "Now you should go to this place" non-clues and make the

Anyone notice how Phil's entire conversation with Jeremy & Sandy at the beginning when he gave them the first clue was done via voiceover trying to match his lip movements? Re-watch it if you want to enjoy some high-lariously stilted Phil dialouge as he feigns enthusiasm months after the fact in some LA recording

I also enjoyed how Jeremy and Sandy are still racing after having been directly saved TWO LEGS IN A ROW (!) by Zac and Laurence's incompetence. If they had U-turned J and S last week, instead of targeting a team in front of them, J and S would have lost for sure given the difficulty of the other task. But no. And this

As much as I love Bill and Cathi, it was ridiculous for them to be playing the weak old people card at the end, essentially asking "How heartless are Cindy and Ernie to U-turn little old us?," when they JUMPED at the opportunity to U-turn Zac and Laurence, which directly resulted in those two getting ousted from the

Yeah, because all roads to success go through being more like Studio 60.

I hated that hastily scrawled on vagina on the clay figure.

Favorite exchange in this episode:

I love that Porsche lied about her job to avoid having her housemates cast aspersions on someone with such a "luxurious" lifestyle.

Why do images above the reviews continue to be from previous episodes?