echos myron

You are a goddamn toolshed. All of this praise you throw at Fatlips is undone by the insipidness of her lyrics and the predictability of her compositions. You want "highly romanticized fatalism" by a female musician? How about Lykke Li and EMA, for starters?

The most highly graded album of the week receives 4 comments while Ultrasuckage is already in the 200s? Typical.

You can also listen to Guided by Voices and Jawbreaker on the side.

Do you really want to see how "weak" my kung fu is?

What do you mean exactly by "failed"? No label would sign her? If you mean "failed" simply as "didn't reach the Billboard top 40 with her first album," then you have a disgusting outlook on music.

Why do Lana Del Rey fans all express themselves like half-illiterate dimwits?

And what would be wrong with that? (Don't forget about Embrace and the Evens.)


Bane write hardcore music for 12-year-olds. I should know; I was a big fan of Give Blood when I was that age. But now I'm old and seasoned enough to see how generic they are as songwriters. And their lyrics are laughable bad.

You are an idiot. Mad Men's first season is fantastic.

1. Jets to Brazil - Orange Rhyming Dictionary
2. Jets to Brazil - Perfecting Loneliness
3. Jets to Brazil - Four Cornered Night (suck it, haters; just because it's poppy and mellow doesn't make it bad)
4. Paint It Black - New Lexicon
5. Lifetime - Jersey's Best Dancers
6. The Promise Ring - Nothing Feels Good
7. Paint It

Actually, those Avail albums are just lavish reissues that Jade Tree put out a decade ago. They were initially released by Lookout Records, who were notorious for not paying loyalties.

I'd go as far as to say it's the best modern hardcore album I've ever heard. It's light years beyond generic crap like Bane, Modern Life Is War and Trash Talk.

I already have a ton of Jade Tree releases, but it makes me happy just to see them back in the news. This was my favorite label back in the day, largely because of Jets to Brazil.

Is this intended to be some kind of dig at the label? Miighty Flashlight is one of the worst artists they ever signed (of course, nothing tops Joan of Arc in terms of awfulness).

Prindle gave Bollocks a 10/10. He wasn't insulting the band, just pointing out that they weren't punk.

"Train in Vain" is absolutely the catchiest song they've ever written. It's probably their best too, but as only a casual Clash fan I've never listened to their songs enough times to make a decision.

Did I say anything about the musical worth of those bands? The only 70s punk bands I like are The Damned, Buzzcocks, and The Clash's debut album.

The Sex Pistols were a rock band. As Mark Prindle has pointed out, why are all the songs on Bollocks so long and slow? Only 3 of the 12 songs are under 3 minutes, and the songs follow the typical verse/chorus/verse/chorus/solo/chorus structure of 70s rock. Siouxsie and the Banshees wrote extremely long songs,

"Lost in the Supermarket" has great verses but a meandering, somewhat boring chorus. And for that reason it cannot qualify as a great song.