echos myron

And which user would you be?

Three minutes per week?

I've only heard six Yo La Tengo albums (I own four) and am in no position to evaluate the entirety of their vast output as a band (I haven't even heard anything they've done before Painful), so I'm going to be cautious/lazy here and paste something that super-music-reviewer Mark Prindle wrote about the band a few

This guy is just not funny, and he looks like O.J. Simpson with buck teeth.

The guy on the far right is missing a pocket!

To think that this guy sang and played on two of the finest punk/post-hardcore albums* of the nineties… Now he's doing the former-punk-frontman acoustic troubadour act like 100 other guys. Sigh.
*(I'm talking about Fuel for the Hate Game and No Division.)

I'd love to see an article listing and analyzing albums that are elevated by their lyricism. My shortlist:
1. Jets to Brazil - Orange Rhyming Dictionary
2. Silver Jews - American Water
3. The Mountain Goats - The Sunset Tree

None of their albums' liner notes provide the lyrics, making the task of analyzing them all the more difficult. It's hard to concentrate on the words when the music itself is so great.

You should have gone with "Mutiny, I Promise You."

Marnie Stern?

Oh, I've heard every single song Pollard has released up to now. It's just a matter of picking out his best recent stuff and inserting it into the playlist.

I streamed one track from this album, "White Fire." Maybe she should have titled it "White Noise" instead.

Are you quoting those lyrics because you think they're remarkable?

GbV wipes the beer off the floor with YLT and TMBG any day. If you want to name a band whose prolific nature can stand alongside GbV's, you'd be better off with The Fall.

He outlived three Ramones.

Agreed, but "Trash Can Full of Nails," "W/ Glass in Foot" and "Xeno Pariah" have distinguished themselves over time.

Yeah. I'd pick almost any track from this album over the latest regurgitations from Animal Collective or Joanna Newsom.

A couple of years ago, I made a 300-song best-of playlist consisting entirely of GvB/solo Pollard/Pollard side-project songs. It covers everything that he ever did up to late 2011 (there are tracks from Let's Go Eat the Factory, but none from subsequent reunion albums). While I will need to revise and expand the

I bought that deluxe version of Challengers. It was actually a 4-CD set; three of the discs were blank, and you could download and burn the various content onto the discs through a website. It's a shame that Matador discontinued their Buy Early, Get Now editions. It actually made you want to pay for music.

What with all the television you cover, it was probably one of five albums that you heard last year.