Benny Russell

Funny thing about neo-Trotskyists: Charles Stross's Accelerando briefly dwells on a Marxist comeback in Europe during a similar timeframe, on the theory that increased computation power and AI essentially solve the problems with Marxist theory by being able to redistribute resources fairly. It's a great idea-heavy

Funny thing about neo-Trotskyists: Charles Stross's Accelerando briefly dwells on a Marxist comeback in Europe during a similar timeframe, on the theory that increased computation power and AI essentially solve the problems with Marxist theory by being able to redistribute resources fairly. It's a great idea-heavy

…thank goodness President George P. Bush was able to get things working again, as helped by first lady Chelsea Clinton.

…thank goodness President George P. Bush was able to get things working again, as helped by first lady Chelsea Clinton.

As someone who is politically active in the Bay Area, the only thing I can tell you about SF government is that it's completely unpredictable. There is very much an instinct in that city to out-progressive everyone else and all other progressives with such vehemence and self-righteousness that it can be difficult to

As someone who is politically active in the Bay Area, the only thing I can tell you about SF government is that it's completely unpredictable. There is very much an instinct in that city to out-progressive everyone else and all other progressives with such vehemence and self-righteousness that it can be difficult to

Now I wanna see a clip of the people telling their life stories, followed by Romney's "I don't care about the very poor" and 47% comments.

Now I wanna see a clip of the people telling their life stories, followed by Romney's "I don't care about the very poor" and 47% comments.

This could work. After WWI, Germany set up the Weimar Republic, a well-intentioned model but a doomed one, that could not restrain the fury of Versailles or manage the economy. This was toppled by the Nazis, right before they started a war that destroyed most of Europe. Then Germany established a government after the

This could work. After WWI, Germany set up the Weimar Republic, a well-intentioned model but a doomed one, that could not restrain the fury of Versailles or manage the economy. This was toppled by the Nazis, right before they started a war that destroyed most of Europe. Then Germany established a government after the

I remember reading in the DS9 Companion that Ira Steven Behr felt these episodes marked when Bashir really became a compelling character in his own right, which I think is essentially true. But it was the result of a good amount of development as well, this was just the payoff. Put first season Bashir into this story,

I remember reading in the DS9 Companion that Ira Steven Behr felt these episodes marked when Bashir really became a compelling character in his own right, which I think is essentially true. But it was the result of a good amount of development as well, this was just the payoff. Put first season Bashir into this story,

Though BTTF did accurately predict that Miami would get a pro team.

Though BTTF did accurately predict that Miami would get a pro team.

Ed Begley in Voyager had a Bill Gates-like stature, but his racket was microchips and not software. Doesn't quite compute. (Also, some people simply can't play villains, and Begley is one. Tim Robbins is another. They can't relate to those kinds of characters, and Begley left me yearning for the much funner corporate

Ed Begley in Voyager had a Bill Gates-like stature, but his racket was microchips and not software. Doesn't quite compute. (Also, some people simply can't play villains, and Begley is one. Tim Robbins is another. They can't relate to those kinds of characters, and Begley left me yearning for the much funner corporate

Shame. His work on the series was generally pretty good.

Shame. His work on the series was generally pretty good.

Do any of us?

Do any of us?