Benny Russell

What about this Mad Man show? James Earl Jones is a huge fan, and he, Billie Jean King and Neil Simon all watch it religiously every Sunday. Seems like a lot of praise for it, but I'm worried there's only so many fascinating stories to be told about ads from the 1960s. I remember them well, and they weren't all that

What about this Mad Man show? James Earl Jones is a huge fan, and he, Billie Jean King and Neil Simon all watch it religiously every Sunday. Seems like a lot of praise for it, but I'm worried there's only so many fascinating stories to be told about ads from the 1960s. I remember them well, and they weren't all that

None taken. Of course, nowadays you can have a lady in a thong talking about her private areas on at 8:00 on network television, but back then, the restrictions were much tougher.

None taken. Of course, nowadays you can have a lady in a thong talking about her private areas on at 8:00 on network television, but back then, the restrictions were much tougher.

Well done, good sir!

Well done, good sir!

Benny’s Blog: Behind The Episode, “Paradise”

Benny’s Blog: Behind The Episode, “Paradise”

Benny's Blog: Back From A Hiatus

Hello again, everybody!

That Gilmartin interview was something else, wasn't it? I didn't see him as being very similar to Maron, more like a distorted version with exaggerated versions of the same neuroses and none of the charm or likability. The guy seemed barely socially functional, if you ask me.

Yeah, what a strange review. I got more a sense of, "They didn't talk about the things I wanted them to talk about." What an arbitrary standard, and not good reviewing practice in my humble opinion. One immediately wonders whether Zulkey would have backed up Pete Seeger when he tried to take an ax to Bob Dylan's

I don't hate Armisen, I just figure he's like almost everyone who's ever been on SNL that hasn't become a superstar—frequently annoying because they keep writing the same shtick for him to do every week, but on anything else he's much funnier due to talent. See: Meadows, Tim; Wiig, Kristen; Parnell, Chris, and so on.

That's actually a good point that I hadn't considered. I think it eluded me because all the Maquis stuff that was put in place for Voyager was abandoned literally within a few episodes de facto, and by the end of the first sixteen de jure. Otherwise, for better or worse, they created their ongoing bad guys from

"Visionary" from the third season is probably the best DS9 episode that could easily have been a TNG episode, but generally you're right.

That's just twisted.

Benny's Blog: But Seriously This Time

He'll always be the Defiant's helm officer to me.

For a second I misread the name of that album and thought she had cut an album of Psychedelic Furs covers.

Poor Whitney Houston, the first victim of Obama's secret death panels. Sarah Palin was right!