
Everybody wants to kiss Nicole Kidman outside of the new Werner Herzog trailer too.

Which, to be fair, sounded great for the date.

Mmmmm bigot-y! (scene)

What about assy and ether?

Fuck Cooter! Fuck him right in the…well, Cooter, I 'spose.

Shea or GTFO!

Sears Tower One

Oh, it should be kickin' in by now…

Mark throws Tom, eats shoots and leaves.

I think draaaaaaaaag. {puff puff} or There's a Wailing Wailers track that says "somehting something don't be a drag"

After 85 million years (or whatever) of Legend fans the Wailing Wailers is my preferred Marley so…yeah

It was an eruption.

Or tongue cancer!

{high fives} Suck it High School!


The best kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Really Got me!

You can see my meat. (blink…blink)

It's all about that brace.

Oh, thank God

and Wolfgang Taft.