Everybody wants to kiss Nicole Kidman outside of the new Werner Herzog trailer too.
Everybody wants to kiss Nicole Kidman outside of the new Werner Herzog trailer too.
Which, to be fair, sounded great for the date.
Mmmmm bigot-y! (scene)
What about assy and ether?
Fuck Cooter! Fuck him right in the…well, Cooter, I 'spose.
Shea or GTFO!
Sears Tower One
Oh, it should be kickin' in by now…
Mark throws Tom, eats shoots and leaves.
I think draaaaaaaaag. {puff puff} or There's a Wailing Wailers track that says "somehting something don't be a drag"
After 85 million years (or whatever) of Legend fans the Wailing Wailers is my preferred Marley so…yeah
It was an eruption.
Or tongue cancer!
{high fives} Suck it High School!
The best kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Really Got me!
You can see my meat. (blink…blink)
It's all about that brace.
Oh, thank God
and Wolfgang Taft.