Degenerate Press

Edgar Rice Burroughs
I grew up reading almost nothing but Edgar Rice Burroughs, thanks to an extensive collection at the family home where my father and his brothers left all their books from college. He's a perfect pulp/fantasy writer for those looking for brisk storytelling, lots of action, and occasional sex

MYOF clone?
I like the rating idea, but this is eerily similar to My Year of Flops…

I fuckin' LOVED Car Wars, but my gang were more pot heads and preferred the slackness of D&D vs. the wired lunacy of Car Wars. I got frustrated with their lack of enthusiasm for Car Wars and made up a couple of dozen pre-fab cars so they wouldn't have to do the math and design work. That worked for a while. Then I ran

In my teen years my gang of outsiders would've felt weird had any female been in the room, probably EVER, much more so during a gaming session. We bonded together due to lack of attachment to anyone else, particularly girls/women. But I also think that escapist entertainment is a more male thing. Why do you think

No apologies necessary.
Has anyone else read "Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution", the biography of Steve Jobs, etc.? Basically all the guys who would later be mega-millionaires talk about sitting in a garage playing D&D and drinking - I think it was - Goldschalger and "getting slagged." They were startlingly

If it was sarcasm it was lost on me. Perhaps my Perception stat is low…

About the summer between 6th and 7th grade I was at a summer camp for gifted students - nerd camp - when I saw some folks playing a strange game with a dragon on the box cover. The image alone intrigued me. The guys were fighting monsters, though it wasn't obvious how the game was played. They didn't have

The "real" Duff
Anyone else remember a decade ago when someone made actual Duff?
Now that would make a fun taste test!

Speaking of exacting editors…
"But every time I thought Limbo had lost me, Wolfe won be back,"