
KO's nonchalant "I'm just going to ignore all that" instantly raised the whole show a grade. He really is The Best. Based on his merch (three T-shirts and a hoodie already) I'm cautiously optimistic he's going to come out of this feud not totally buried. In any event I've got faith he'll be able to make chicken salad

"You look like shit"
"I feel like I look great"

He really needs to mix up the Josef Fritzl look he has these days.

Don't Start.

The original Angels.

This list reminds me of old John Lennon's catchphrase.

And with 27 to choose from that's saying something.

Gotta have that metal.

See I never even considered there were bad outcomes for Keira and The Baron like the ones described on here. That's what I love about this game, the decision making/branching is for the most part pretty subtle, kind of like the opposite of a Telltale game.

It just makes the combat a lot easier AFAIK. Like, a LOT easier.

How about keep enjoying his music but if he invites you to a BBQ say no thanks?

Tone wise I described it to a friend as a A Feast For Crows simulator, especially during the Velen parts.

Loving this game so much. Been hammering through it a bit too quick on 'story only' (wuss) mode so intending to take it up a notch and take my time. The amount of care that has gone into it is incredible, even the smallest fetch quest has writing that is beyond 90% of other games, I'm thinking of a certain werewolf

That's why they had Moletown or whatever it was called.

Bedelia 'Nick Fury' du Maurier.

FACTS is definitely Bill Ponderosa.

Don't you hate pants?

I don't… remember.

Eric seems like a pretty chill guy. It's very hard to tell where Tim ends and 'Tim' begins.

Whichever season of Luther ended with Big John saying to the teenage sex slave he rescued "Now let's get some ice cream"