
As long as Maika's role comprises solely of various readings of the last line of The Guest I'm down. She was so good in that.

That freeze frame into Deadman's Gun ending to Red Dead punched me right in the gut. Always reminds me of the very end of The Shield in a way that I can't quite put my finger on.

Remember when Mohd said he wasn't going to post first?

I don't think that's a problem. They're pretty much the hip hop Nirvana. Beats are their Foo Fighters.

The article mentions Megan Ellison in relation to Genisys but I thought it was her dumbass brother's baby? If it isn't then her critical hot streak is going to crash HARD.

I've been playing a lot of Counterspy recently and thought that they could make a great UNCLE-essays TV show out of that. A slightly campy period piece about a covert independent agency playing the superpowers off against each other.

HGH is a hell of a drug.

Wasn't that crazy-ass script written by John Sayles?

There's going to be plenty of protein in that Entourage movie bro….

I liked the baby bro.

U blue turtlin' me?

Stamp and McDowell in a Shane Black-style buddy caper.

I hope they include the bit where Chewbacca gets knocked down by a space car.

I'm still waiting for him to start doing random somersaults.

Didn't Alfie Allen hang dong early on too? Obviously that won't be happening again.

They should totally raid (pun fully intended) Vikings for their directorial team. Fuck, they film near to each other so they could just share. That show looks so much better, presumably on a fraction of the budget.

Honestly if I could but had to wear the bolito after I'd have to think about it.

Bjorn Ironsides can join the freakishly gangly offspring of badasses crew.

How many were in attendance when you lifted Andre high above your head, brother jack dude?

Rat's eyes. I seen it once in a rat and now I seen it in a man…