Andy Barker, PI? Anyone? Hello?
Andy Barker, PI? Anyone? Hello?
heyy! "Crampton's Vagina" is my garage band name, how'd you know?!
Portland: where dreams and self-respect go to die.
ah, jeeze.. way too much Andrea for moi
hey, it's got a fat Baldwin in it, what could go wrong?
Surfing aaaand Peter Fonda!
Gee whiz, I heard they are remaking Reanimator in 3D… yayy
sometimes, we don't want no subtext! Just simple, point A to point B, stylish fun! Still annoyed by the fact that almost every person I meet that suggests Girls immediately brings up the awkward sex scenes, as if it's the only thing the show's got going for it.. "Old people have seeeexxxx… I had seexxxxx!" Shut up,…
neither of the them look like Natives.. but, hey, whatever, she's red hot!
Live by the gun, die by the gun!
Think he ran over his kid while backing out of the driveway?
Jupiter's cock, thats a swell idea!
Doesn't change much, in his case
it's an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, slathered with government cheese..
My first thought: I need to get some mushrooms for this.
Tony Curtis? Neck tumour? Sold!
Cool. Nostalgia.
sooo many examples in this ep.. when Arlo (RIP!) is braining that guy, it was just perfectly shot, I twitched when he got it.. the entire Colt scene, goddamn, it all worked so well. I remember enjoying John Dahl's movies, as well, Red Rock West springs to mind, oddly enough..and think he did a few good ep's of Dexter.…
John Dahl is the motherfuckin' man.. the angles he uses in certain scenes in this ep are just amazing..