I'm going with Darondo although I do not know his work. Just sounds like a cool name.. Da-ronn-doh! I must ask, which do you think he is of the Magic vs Bird scenario?
I'm going with Darondo although I do not know his work. Just sounds like a cool name.. Da-ronn-doh! I must ask, which do you think he is of the Magic vs Bird scenario?
I'm going with Darondo although I do not know his work. Just sounds like a cool name.. Da-ronn-doh! I must ask, which do you think he is of the Magic vs Bird scenario?
Fox has a serious Seth MacFarlane problem..sheesh
Fox has a serious Seth MacFarlane problem..sheesh
I nominate Phil Spector. I miss the wall of sound/random gunplay.
I nominate Phil Spector. I miss the wall of sound/random gunplay.
It's pretty rough. Makes me really uncomfortable, which I guess is kinda the aim. Reminds me of some of Louis CK's material; it's just easier to digest coming from a fellow angry white man, I guess. But while he expresses his anger, she seems like she's kinda bottling it up and could randomly stab you with a pair of…
It's pretty rough. Makes me really uncomfortable, which I guess is kinda the aim. Reminds me of some of Louis CK's material; it's just easier to digest coming from a fellow angry white man, I guess. But while he expresses his anger, she seems like she's kinda bottling it up and could randomly stab you with a pair of…
so fuckin' dark.. watched part of another set with my parents, and it was sooo dark. She never blinks, either!! Creepy as all hell
so fuckin' dark.. watched part of another set with my parents, and it was sooo dark. She never blinks, either!! Creepy as all hell
yeah, I wonder what dark, evil backstory Frank has!
yeah, I wonder what dark, evil backstory Frank has!
reminded me of some NTSF episode
reminded me of some NTSF episode
Why didn't you looooove meeeee?!
Why didn't you looooove meeeee?!
it's that whole love/hate thing AVC does to make us think they're not going all soft on us..think they did it recently with Patton and that scouts movie?
it's that whole love/hate thing AVC does to make us think they're not going all soft on us..think they did it recently with Patton and that scouts movie?
spoken like a true expert..
spoken like a true expert..