Sugar Tits

Oh, movietheatresnack. I know I can't make you love The Modern Prometheus, but you must at least acknowledge its influence. At least it shows how hard it is to be God or at least how hard it is NOT to abandon your creations, which is a mighty, mighty theme. I also see from the sometimes ANNOYING style how students

Plato's not a play, but sure, The Republic enters upon a minor rant about how the young 'uns aren't as respectful and honorable as they used to be, and I seem to remember the usual pastoral glorification as well.

I like urtext's point - maybe I shouldn't compare. It's hard not to, but maybe comics are just a whole new medium and we should just leave it at that. I'm sure when all us boomers finally die, comics will come into their own with no lingering prejudice attached. But a certain part of the populace will not read comics

I like urtext's point - maybe I shouldn't compare. It's hard not to, but maybe comics are just a whole new medium and we should just leave it at that. I'm sure when all us boomers finally die, comics will come into their own with no lingering prejudice attached. But a certain part of the populace will not read comics

It almost seems sacrilege to say it, since I grew up in the '60's and 70's, but I don't like the Beatles as much as I used to. For me, they have not held up and much as, say, Led Zepplein. Why, I don't know. It kinda makes me sad. That's right. The tits are sad.

Jane herself is not so whimsical as the movies might lead you to believe. I find her incredibly subversive at times. I think she's just pointing out what to what depths intelligent women had to sometime sink to get a decent husband to avoid falling into abject poverty. Not a lot of whimsy there.

OK, I've been tolerant up to now. NO CRITICISM OF LED ZEPPELIN. Now or ever.

It's my theory that people who love opera love Citizen Kane - not just because of the hideous opera scenes in the movie, but because the whole movie is operatic in pace and scope. Those attuned to ponderosity (?) deal with this movie much more easily. And I love it.

Didn't see Eyes Wide Shut, but MAN I love 2001. I love it for the same reason I love my religion, in a way. I love the mystery - that there's just some things man wasn't meant to understand just yet. It's not a movie for those who like pat answers. That's why I like The Fountain, too, BTW.

The originals were better because they didn't know they were important. The newer ones did, and hence, couldn't be saved.

Love of Shakespeare come, I think, with finding yourself in the same position as some of his characters. I find myself, with increasing age, appreciating all that "undiscovered country" talk a whole lot more. For sheer beauty of language and meaning density, there's nothing equal, to me anyway. But I also know that

@snape - oh, don't think the irony is lost on me..

Ya'll keep mentioning Winehouse. Isn't she much healthier these days??

Don't do it, ba! Live! You become..old, and um, bitter, and er, nothing turns out the way you thought, and..aw, hell. C'mon, ba! Splat those brains everywhere!!

Well, the good thing about private school is that we're free to try and instill some manners into the little heathens. Food and drinks are prohibited without the specific permission of the teacher and texting is punishable. And the parents whine more than the kids - some want to call or text in the middle of class!?!?

(no, I got it, I got it…I was just replying in my curmudgeonly old teacher persona…don't let on)

Little puss. Get off my lawn.

Iron Man had great set design.

Nerts to ya'll. It's a cushy private school, they walk about 10 feet from one class to the next and they have time to hit the water between classes. I got through elementary school, junior high, high school and college without constantly sucking on a bottle of water like a big ol' baby. Nut up, young 'uns!

People's rudeness amazes me. I have students who think they have the perfect right to come in and eat and drink in my classes. They consider it a violation of their persona rights if I don't let them constantly swig water from a gallon jug. I stop the class, though not with as much panache as Miss LuPone.