
It was ok but nothing special. Some scences with Quinn I even find a little bit annoying.

YES! HOLY COW! The show is getting even more awesome! The second season was outstanding. Can't wait for the third season.

I don't see the line where this all ends and come together. Really mixed up. But entertaining nevertheless.

Bad move from Jared.

Glad that Nicky and Sophia are back.

Very good start in the season. Love this stuff. And thanks for the coverage mate!

wow is this show amazing. Even better than season 1.

What a great start to the season. Really loved it.

The bachman story ends bad. He sell his shares and Pied pieper loses their majority in the board of the company. Erich was very unconformatable in last shots.

Great news.

Hell yes. Loved this show last summer.

Good but not great. But I still had fun like every other week.

Looks interesting. Lovely characters and nice song.

Sorry but I just find Norman really annoying in this episode. It's ok to mourn after such a loss but she is dead and dont come back. A miracle and sitting on the piano? what a garbage. Hopefully we must see this not so often in the next season. She is dead. Deal with it and move on. Jesus Christ.

Is she really dead? Yeah i know it's stupid but i don't like with the show without Norma. Sad episode.

Very good episode but the ending was predictable. All is good but Richard screw it up. Typical Silicon Valley.

The ending by Norman was spectacular. Thrilling show.

Love the stray observations this week. Richard slowly grows up get guts. Hopefully.

Wow I didn't thought I missed the show so much. Hilarious opener of the season. Laughed a lot.

Good to read that's still pretty good.