His costume is essentially Indiana Jones in professor mode.
His costume is essentially Indiana Jones in professor mode.
While I think Tennant was a great Doctor, he definitely hammed it up quite a bit. I wonder what the 5th season would have been like if he had stayed on with Moffat writing.
Damn, you beat me. It seems silly in retrospect, but that sweater/jacket combo and smug look are awful.
That picture is so bad. Remember when everyone hated Matt Smith? This picture is why.
Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism…
How does that bear's head fit between those monitors?
I love that song. Reminds me of elephants.
I think it's right before they all go back in time to meet the Captain Kirk and the tribbles. I seem to remember a line about, "the recent Borg attack on Earth.," though they make no reference to Worf's part in the adventures.
I don't understand how that line from Kirk removes V from the canon. Could you please explain?
Does anyone know which Minnesota suburb this horrible disease comes from? I would imagine Burnsville or Brooklyn Park.
His head is definitely getting bigger. I expect Shatner-levels of head swelling in a couple of decades.
What if i'm actually a Doni holdout? What if those actually exist?
When are Dirk and Toni finally going to get hitched? Will Crystal and Knute win the music video contest?
I like the school of thought that says that the Doctor isn't just a renegade Time Lord, he's pretty crappy at some of the "proper" Time Lord things. That's why his regenerations are so violent, he's such a bad Tardis pilot, etc., while Romana can try on different faces before deciding to look like Lalla Ward and River…
I thought the same thing, but relationships are all about compromise.
Yee Yee beat you both by a minute.
So in the sequel
will we learn that Hitler is actually Cuba Gooding Jr.'s father?
I thought he was pretty great in the one minute that he was in Star Trek.