Hating on Steam is so 2004
Hating on Steam is so 2004
I think Jude Law and her Goopiness had something to do with it. Best part of that movie was when she took one on the chin.
Castle is such a boring waste of Nathan Fillion. I'd rather see him in SyFy originals than that dreck. That said, it's too bad that there isn't a slightly more upscale version of the SyFy movies out there on FX or IFC or something along those lines.
BBC News said it was cancer. Sad anytime, but especially now so close to the start of the new season of Who.
Shoot, sorry Mr. Kickass.
He was in Ronin. That was good.
While I did see a guy say that Dinklage isn't ugly enough on another site, folks 'round here seem to be unusually happy with the cast.
He seemed to be at least stumble drunk at the end of the episode when he ran out to his truck.
"Just the fact that Letterman himself continued to run it into the ground on his show? Or was that joke just the scapegoat that was used as an example anytime a reviewer needed a specific example to illustrate what a lame host he/she thought Letterman was, until it took on a life of its own?"
Plus she was naked the whole time in that one.
I thought the waiter's pick up line about juicy hamburgers was hilarious and not in a kind way.
I saw this guy in a preview screening of Beastly tonight. Holy cow does he suck. A new Bradley Cooper just waiting to happen.
I thought he looked a lot like former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty. With a scuzzy Kentucky mustache.
Learn from George Costanza.
Yes, yes, let's turn every thread into a DS9 discussion… Actually why don't we?
This just goes to show how far gone Card is…
…everyone knows the enemy's gate is down. How did it get lost?
I think that happened on Picket Fences too.
You know what show handled an actor's pregnancy well? You guessed it: DS9!
Especially Ponderosa pine (ooh-ooh!)
So… kind of like the beginning of the last season of Curb?