The Mighty Manotaur

He didn't want a number, i didn't want a sequel. Guess who'll get their wish fulfilled?

Herr Fucking Starr!!!

She never sent Jesse in to get killed.

"My cock is in the bitches mouth… and not in the good way"

Fuck off Prime Minister, if i wanted to shag some sheep i'd go to Wales, its closer.

That would be the first Taken film i'd see.

He was a joke though, from the whole bag falling off his face while loosing his virginity while Jesse and Cassidy piss themselves laughing outside to JUSTICE. VENGEANCE. ARSEFACE!! to "it's an Arseface World" and his acceptance of "beggars can't be choosers" in the town of Salvation.

I enjoyed both. There's enough different in the TV show to make it feel fresh.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first season and i was a huge fan of the books too. I liked the changes to bring it to TV

If only, Carousel would have sorted out all the country's political candidates. You ever seen a 22 year old politician?

Because we got stuck with the ugly red-headed planetary body with a club foot, bad acne and craters all over its face.


And do they have a Denny's?

Yep even LA and San Fran was affected by Snake Plisken escaping New York.

Humanity will one day trace back to where everything all went wrong for us as a species, that day shall for ever be known as Bicentennial Man Day.

But I haven't seen Elysium. (Should I?)

Surely just doing one of these with each city mentioned in captions would have been easier. Its the same info repacked slightly in nearly every single one.

Just do NOT run a blacklight over the place!

#altarboyangst. Love it!!

Pfft, this would be easy. Give me a bottle of cheap plonk, some Barry White on the wireless, a handsome sheep and i'd be good to make love in a lab.