The Mighty Manotaur

Does this mean the piece of toast can now get a bigger role, maybe him and Garmanarnar can co host now?

Truly a sight to behold. A man beaten. The once great champ, now, a study in moppishness. No longer the victory hungry stallion we've raced so many times before, but a pathetic, washed up, aged ex-champion.

At a quick glance they do look very similar.

So i've read through this twice now and i still cannot figure out what side Talia is supposed to be on. Did the reviewer keep mixing Talia and Nyssa up?

Sounds like a 1970/80's cheap Saturday afternoon TV show, The Dirtiest Hobo.

You ever tried shaving using only your own body sweat?

But who will play Ferris?

Its a real pity they used and killed off Sebastian Shaw in First Class. The Hellfire Club just wouldn't be the same without Shaw in charge.

But we already have Michael?

She had scales and pheromones and that was about it.

Pretty sure its the love sequence with Frank and Jane.

Last thing i remember using it was The Naked Gun.

Did they ever figure the fuck out what Stacy X was meant to be?

I heard they're doing a Daap one first.

Maybe they've been dying it to hide it. Maybe let it grow back in over the course of the season.

He is, they're just calling the character HR for legal reasons.

But then who will be left to fly the old timey plane into the shack at an easily escapable speed? Can they really spare 2 for the shack?

TBH most of the HiSHE ideas are better than Snyder's.

Wonder if their fathers sacrificed themselves for no other reason than to fuck over their sons?

That really was the most ridiculous thing about that film. Hey lets have the Dad sacrifice himself trying to save a dog that could have just ran towards them. Or just have Clark use his super speed to whisk the dog away without anyone seeing.