The Mighty Manotaur

Shadows i managed first time with no summon but Rom, good god i hated Rom. It took me about the same amount of times trying both with and without summons. those magic attacks ruined me. Though i did manage to do her first time in the chalice dungeon.

The Forbidden Woods was my favourite farming bit, you could get about 50,000 echoes, a good few Twin Bloodstones and various other stuff by running from the first lamp down to the windmill and back up. Took about 5 minutes tops.

Including a certain word association game?

Yep, you'd think someone would think to check for these issues.

River City Melee would be an excellent game, but only if Shell Suit Bob is a playable character.

A gormless stare and a grunt!

What about Dothraki-Klingon-Sindarin translators? i bet they get all the trim.

You mean i'll finally be able to tell that damn Horse-Lord who keeps pillaging my village "not tonight love, i've got a headache"?

Low file size and certain ones were not allowed due to sound file format issues. For a while they completely stopped doing the mods for the PS4 version due to this. The Xbox One version apparently has a wider seletion to choose from.

They don't even get 2 floors down in mines now. Nearly everyone is level 50 and has legendary weapons.

Needs more LBP music.

Its a great wee game and I believe since then they've added quests and external missions. It can be pretty addictive though.

Did they ever sort out the mod issues on PS4?

Even as a child i thought all Disney films were absolute pish. Snow White, Dumbo, Peter Pan, Cinderella and The Jungle Book just annoyed the hell out of me, i hated musicals especially. I think my main issue was that the first few films i was ever exposed to were the first Star Wars films and all i wanted to watch as

This also features Karen Gillan.

Wait a minute, Karen Gillan and Emma Watson in the same film together? How on earth have eyes, cameras and anything else that captures images managed to not just melt?

After kicking Darkeater Midir down his hole last night and also destroying the so called "Spear of the Church" (it was a summon who must have either had his system freeze up or just left to make a cuppa, he just stood there doing nothing) i'll be venturing back down to the Ringed City to hopefully finish it all off

Good call on Costner, cannot stand him in most of everything he's done but A Perfect World is just such a good performance.

Damn it!
