The Mighty Manotaur

Perfect for the role of an emotionless killing machine, and then someone cast him as the Terminator.

Well i think its time for you to chill!

I'd go as far as to call it pretty cheap. A moving AOE that continually eats at your health because you need to venture into it to attack the boss.

Whereas the rest of us plead with film makers to never ever make this happen.

Yep and you only needed to have killed the first necromancer to stop the skeletons in that area. Then just stand in one of the alcoves and let loose. And TBH i don't even thing it took any more than 20 poison arrows to down the bugger, though i was probably way past the Iron Keep by this point.

Best projectile attack in the whole game is The Living Failures and their synchronised dance before the meteor strike.

For me it was Rom that killed me the most, due to getting stun-locked or smashed by her magic. After her it was Laurence and his damn constant fire damage that was probably the most annoying. That and summoning people using beast builds for the fight really began to piss me off. All because they got the beast rune

Ha! She killed me once or twice before i figured out her safe spot.

I think i only ever summoned one person at a time, unless there was also an NPC summon there. But most bosses were better with just the one summon.

I never once ran out of Blood Vials but i did a lot of farming in the starting areas so i could buy things.

Haven't got as far as Midir yet, only just made it to the second swamp area.

"In your lungs, eyes, mouth. See?"

Oh yeah the boss version was an absolute bastard but the transformed suspicious beggar one could be trapped on the roof you find him on and sniped from the stairs leading up with poison knives. Trying to fight him in Cathedral ward is a bugger though.

Yeah if you get in between her stumps she can actually just keep spinning around you without ever getting a hit in, dunno if they ever patched that out.

Yeah when i think back a lot of Bloodbornes areas could be missed completely like Upper Cathedral Ward, Hemwick Charnel Lane and the back end of Iosefka's clinic. And yes i forgot the Lecture Hall and Nightmare Frontier which are also hidden areas like Cairnhurst.

The spice(s) must flow!!

Well played Sir, well played!

Kaathe's even mentioned as having been worshipped by the Sable Church of Londor. I would have expected a mention of Frampt too.

I found Ebrietas to be a lot easier than the majority of other bosses, Rom, Laurence and a few of the chalice dungeons bosses like Watchdog or Keeper of the Old Lords. I think i managed to beat her second attempt yet the others were a few more.

Oh Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower, such an amazing boss and possibly one the best of the whole Soulsborne series. Almost as hard as Orphan of Kos yet such a much better fight due to the flow and feel of a pure duel.