The Mighty Manotaur

But surely smoking it illegally gives you a much better hit? Just like how stolen food always tastes better or stolen beer gets you more drunk?

Wait, do you mean the kangaroo gets raped and the rest of the film is about it getting justice, street style. Or the kangaroo is the rapist and the film is a chronicle about his march of sexual destruction?

He was in "Talk to the Hand". Hey it may have been a fictional TV show created for The Simpsons but they had a credits board and everything.

That doesn't even look mazey!!

When was Hank Azaria cast as Wells for Flash Season 4?

With official microphone peripheral?

Also Police Academy 5: God knows the tag-line did anyone ever see any PA film after the one released after Steve Guttenburg left? And Fat Slags.

Somehow i always end up mistaking this film with Lightning Jack.

You know, if you stab a man in the dead of winter, steam will rise up from the wounds. Indians believed it was his soul escaping from his body.

I've had a few break, one a few days after a previous scare. That was a scary week.

Do they bring Data in for threesomes?

"But what about the housekeeper?"

So is Pam now Dykes and Fatz rolled into one?

Thing is surely Purcell would be taking the same time to go film PB so how come he's stuck around?

I've heard he can't even muster the energy to attempt eating a kitten nowadays never mind a full cat. Also all that sweet Pog money is starting to run dry. Sad times.

Alf's gonna be insufferable that day!

And Are We Done Yet.

He's the greatest!

You lot dodged a huge bullet then!

Aww, i was expecting something about Penfold and Baron Greenback.