The Mighty Manotaur

So it contains some sort of hormonal trigger?

Move onto Jazz Cigarettes, you smoke less due to not being arsed.

You can't spit black tar when you vape either.

How the hell you you manage to convert dairy produce into greasy chewing tobacco juice? Just what sort of enzymes are you hiding in your gub?

Haven't heard Grandaddy for a while, The Software Slump was the last thing i ever heard.

So i take it the last episode ends with Natasha exiting the Red Room?

What's blowing my mind is that the son of an American artist has modelled his look on the UK footballer Jason Lee.

All their skin would fall off and they'd shit their insides out. Rich kid skin couldn't handle the course rough fabrics Wal-Mart use, it'd be like sandpaper on silk. And there's no way their bodies could handle the shitty chemicals added to poor persons food to make it last more than 24 hours..

Yeah the difference between the DS3 and DS4 is night and day. After fracturing bones in my left hand in a car accident about 15 years ago i could only ever use the DS3 for about an hour before my hand began to cramp up and become too painful to play anymore. Also the stupid curve on the L2/R2 buttons made the thing

In between checking in on the guys in my Fallout Shelter, which is becoming bloody addictive, i'll be continuing my way through Drangleic and trying to finish up the rest of the DLC and end game of Dark Souls 2, only have the Old Ivory King and Lud and Zallen left in the DLC. If i fire up the PS4 it'll be Nioh that'll

I want all of those futures, especially the Gonzo killing one.

Yep and he'll be the only Bot in it, the main villain will be an environmental polluter who Bumblebee and Sam Witwicky will have to stop to rescue whatever bit of hot stuff he's supposedly dating now.

Felix Leiter was no scientist.

Remember Willow's birthday and her and Tara's honking dresses.

And yet my idea for a gender swapped Tootsie still sits there untouched.

Its great having a ginger brother and a ginger mate. My ginger bashing is covered.

Yeah but you just watch Mon Mothmas eyes light up when ever Bothan death rates are mentioned.

Idiocracy just seems to be getting closer and closer.

Sounds french.

Is he still holding his breath like he was in the BvS cameo?