The Mighty Manotaur

Sorry then, nobody i know wanted more Shaun of the Dead.

Laurence nearly had me tearing my hair out, that and stupid fucking beast builds showing up in co-op for it.

Its not really if you intend on getting through Yahar'gul. Its the gate from Paarl back into old Yharnam.

I'm currently running through DS2 for the first time and i'm thoroughly enjoying it so far, haven't even scratched the DLC in it yet. I've just beaten the Prowling Magus boss and have to say i don't know why the game is given such a hard time, its been brilliant so far.

I wonder if this is Londor with the Hollows overlooking it?

Bloody should never be used as a substitute, especially as it has its own substitute in 'bleeding'.

Nobody wanted more Shaun of the Dead, yet they surpassed all expectations with Hot Fuzz and actually made a brilliant movie.

There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch!

I'm still confused with the cuts made to the first film. The cutaways featuring friends and family of the henchmen Austin kills were completely missing from my VHS copy but i saw them in the cinema and on subsequent TV viewings.

He used to play for Glasgow Rangers,,, oh wait that was Nerlinger.

Is this another digital release? It looks interesting but i haven't been able to quite get on with reading digital comics yet. Jimmy's Bastards is also looking very interesting as i do love a bit of Ennis.

TBH i don't think Watchmen needs a defense. It was decently paced, they couldn't fuck the story up that much and the actual end change made more sense to me than the ending from the comic.

That and no Tim Horton's advertising splashed everywhere.

Any Which Way They Can make money they'll do it.

Sounds like an excuse to have Michelle Rodriguez lez it up onscreen, and you don't actually need a reason for that.

It's Rusty!!! (he's Rusty!!)

I'm more interested in his little bro appearing at Subway, Chipotle South West.

Whereas in the UK comic store owners only seem to wield bad body odour. And that is their only power. Thank Jebus for online ordering.

I always wondered where her clothes went when she "transformed" and how they came back on when she turned back.

Dyslexia strikes again!!