The Mighty Manotaur

Nothing gets a sibling wetter than attempted infanticide.

Will there be a Martha Dumptruck in this PC age?

It truly is sad that Superman Returns footage would make any of the MoS or BvS movies better.

Thinking computers which then started a rebellion and ended up with 900 years of conflict. This is why there are no computers in the series now and why mentats exist.

You really got your Tendril's in there!!

Also wasn't the whole reason for the Fish Speaker army being female partly because a male army would eventually engage in homosexual acts?

Like some sort of Dead,,,, Ringer?

He really does in the Zen Pinball Spiderman or Venom table.

Surely you'd need to introduce Venom first?

Newspaper boy riding the great maker

But isn't Idaho meant to be the ultimate Kwisatz Haderach due to the amount of times he's been cloned and genetic memories of those lives?

Here Come the Warm Thopters?


"It is by bread alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the cream of Onion that thoughts acquire speed, the baps acquire grains, the grains become a Warburtons. It is by bread alone I set my mind in motion."

Yeah but will they do the "weirding way" right this time? Lynch just didn't want some sort of space kung fu in his movie so changed it into the sound weapon modules.

Give things enough time and they'll come around again. Either that or its the 90's again and I'm drunk!

Tell me of the dessert's of your homeworld, fatty.

(Puts on pedant hat)

But do you look like a Lynch Navigator or a mini series Navigator?

Arrakisian or Arrakian?