The Mighty Manotaur

Yeah but he was cut for sending condoms out to the religious leaders of the film crew.

They should just introduce the mutlitverse and have it so the Batman and Superman we've seen so far is either Justice Lords, Crime Syndicate before they become them or a Bizarro Earth. Have the CW-verse as Earth Prime after Flashpoint merges it all.

And does this cut of the film turn it into anything actually worth watching?

And there was me thinking the only things i'd seen her in was Robocop and an episode of The Outer Limits.

Wow, i remember the box to that game. Can't recall if i ever had it but i defo remember that box art.

Why is it nearly every article nowadays seems to have some sort of racial comment that as far as i can see is just picking at straws due to there being nothing there.

Anna Camp certainly deserves better!

And everyone will be queuing up for days just to SUCK IT!!

Sorry i shall refer to it as Granny-Smith-Fruit-phone from now on so as not to incur the legal wrath.

I never though of it as horror, same with Alien. They're just damn good suspenseful sci-fi movies.

And will they be able to use unofficial Thunderbolt cable connectors which usually flag up as unofficial? Or are they gonna ensure they control the monopoly on them by locking non Apple items out?

Toto's Africa elevates all!

Or when he was scissoring Xerxes

There really isn't that much that is scary. Most horror nowadays contains the jump scare and the gross out and that's about it. Most modern horror makers do not know how to build suspense or how to use a creature properly and show it just enough to encourage fear.

All i took from that movie is that Egyptian beards are weird.

Who knew Tarantino was such a champion of female liberation!

Not exactly a new trend. Celebrity It's a Knock-out's been around for decades.

The whole does she/ doesn't she have a penis debacle threw you over the edge?

Superimpose images of games not even actually on the system yet or even confirmed to be coming to the system.

And one of the exclusive Dragon Shouts is