The Mighty Manotaur

Wasn't Earth 2 Snart the mayor?

Surely it should be "Welcome… to the Legends of Tomorrow."

Wow, that cannot be unseen now.

TBH i only noticed 3 episodes with any serious mentions to her sexuality so its not like they're shoehorning it in at every opportunity.

As long as he force chokes one arrogant Imperial Officer i'm good.

Well the Clone Wars was a thing well before the creation of the prequels. Maybe just not in such detail.

"Many Gungans died to bring us this information." said Mon Mothma with the usual derisive smile she kept solely for Bothan deaths.

He's touching cloth and it takes him 20 minutes and the help of 3 other people to get his suit off?

Ohh burn on Ferndale!

Wow, i'm actually shocked they're still going. I was never into them but i do remember the T-Shirts along with the Pop Will Eat Itself Pepsi rip off ones that were out about the same time.

Rancors' tongues. Mynock' livers. Gundark brains. Womp Rats' earlobes. Ewok nipple chips. Get 'em while they're hot, they're lovely. Coruscant pretzels, only half a republic credit. Tatooine fried bats.

I know man, what's he like ruining all my dead Bothan hopes and dreams.

Thats what happens when Lucas is given free reign.

Thing is i always took "bullseying" to be a euphemism for some form of sexual assault and him and Biggs were well know as kids for going around raping poor defenceless Tatooine critters.

I feel your pain brother.

My menstrual pains are really bad, now where can i get some of Whoopi's medicinal cannabis products?

Give this man a scripting contract!

Taking a well deserved break to clean up his collection of eyepatches.

At least he isn't Wang Chunging

Oh the thoughts going through my mind during season 2 when Simmons was kinda crushing on Bobby a wee bit, or at least thats how it looked with the sound off.