The Mighty Manotaur

Yo Bro!!!

Possiblie go wrong?

Ours was bigger!!

Well i was kinda hoping for South America but i'm not gonna argue the fact.

Hey i'm just encouraging people to kneel before you, if you have a problem with that you can take it up with me IF you can make it through my malevolent murder maze!

Yeah but when has a season big bad on any show not used minions?

Have they even done Mirror Master in the show yet, i cannot remember?

And that's what your gonna get, lad: the most powerful particle accelerator in this island.

Or the Rival exclaiming "it's over 9000!!"

Maybe because the differences in the new timeline aren't as drastic as the previous ones so the memories are just slightly different. No memories are disappearing because the memories still happened, just a wee bit different?

Nah everyone else who watches it just does it out of spite and so they can spend the next day slaggin' it off around the watercooler..

Jesus AMC should just run those on a loop instead. I'm actually crying from laughter.

I like the one where they're looking for something and someone gets injured or killed.

It's all coming up Millhouse!

You keep spelling his name wrong, there is no D on the end. Look at the cover of the book!!

Season 2 was prescription sleeping pills compared to season 1's over the counter, lucky if it gets you drowsy formula.

Just stick with LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring. Its more potent and will switch itself off after 3 hours meaning you won't wake up to it and instantly send yourself back to sleep.

There's your full frontal lobotomy right there!!

Ok then you've twisted my arm.

Well i'm just gonna stay Home that night and maybe look down the Barrel of a Gun.