The Mighty Manotaur

They could be on holiday… maybe hustling Tom Cruise?

Was she? Its been a long time but i vaguely remember her trousers at her ankles.

I knew Jubilee was in the film but had no idea they had a Magda… oh wait Madga was Magger's wife, i was thinking Magma.

Yeah its been gradually getting worse.

Woohoo signed by two actors who had less than 5 minutes screen time.

Horrible dry potatoes, desiccated meat products, rubber egg and soggy bread. Some of the worst things i've ever been served on an airplane. When i was younger i was always under the impression that plane food tasted so bad because it had to be prepared in a certain way to be edible whilst airborne, not that it was

See above comment and collect your prize at the concession stand.

Surely two sentences would have been enough?

I always remember me and my mates all dying to see the Elvira: Mistress of the Dark movie when it came out even though we'd never actually seen any of her previous work in the UK.

It can also attract sharks!

The adverts shown for it on UK tv make you very surprised its billed as a comedy.

The Midnighter has been one of comics best created characters but Apollo always felt kinda bland to me.

I still remember one of them dropping trousers live on The Word.

I was kinda hoping Flashpoint would have been a multi-show arc with its effects being felt across Arrow and Supergirl which i also though was being folded into the Arrowverse.

Mindy Tokes Penis

Mindy Takes Pause?

Do they dip Ms. Helfer is some sort of preserving agent during jobs? She hardly looks changed since her debut as Number 6 13 years ago.

White dogs with red capes!

Well everyone bar the Mormon's.

And passing down useless genes to his son who then goes and gets himself killed for no good reason at all.