The Mighty Manotaur

Just maim on the others and do hospital visits on every second Sunday?

Do any of the changes from Flashpoint take effect here? Is Oliver's dad now The Arrow?

No Synthetic pussy?

Just wait till you hear 8-track!!

Oh, you have got to be kidding sir. First you think of an idea that has already been done. Then you give it a title that nobody could possibly like. Didn't you think this through…

Mmmmhh Corinthian…

He was genuinely chilling, almost a force of nature. Ed Harris has a lot to live up to but he certainly has the credentials.

Its fine ass jouralism that these reporters do to highlight just how low the British selection have sunk.

Nah its his slightly retarded second cousin Super Gristle Boy.

Will it feature the time when he used to keep me up on school nights whenever my parents would have a few friends round and blast out his greatest hits until about 2 in the morning?

I think a lot of the episode is already done and they probably create a wide selection of optional scenes to fit whatever way the county is going at the time. They probably only create a very small part in the week run up to tie in to whatever is happening that week.

It would be a lot better if all the "Daily's" just fucked off into the sunset, if they're not making shit up they're stirring shit or just using plain scaremongering tactics. Every week at least one of them runs a world ending event article and a animal/insect/disease outbreak one.

""I'll be back…. with a plunger"

That'll be because its a maize delivery service!!

It would have been an easy kill if it had just avoided mimicking a human and instead mimicked a turd and moved through the sewers into the Connor household waiting for the right time to strike.

Not without Bowie there won't!

Where's the Indian food? If this was done in the UK i think we'd see a very different selection.

Maybe should try to stop drinking it yourself then. Go watch the video and you'll see the toilet is not connected to any water system or drainage pipe.

Thats one big metallic turd!!

As much as i'd like to see more of Ms. Atwell as Peggy i just don't think the character herself is movie holding material, not that Ms. Atwell couldn't do a leading role.. Now a decent Netflix show about the rise of actual Shield with Peggy as one of the founding heads without the cheesyness expected of shows of that