The Mighty Manotaur

Its like they're not even trying with the names now.

You misspelled 'shaved'.

Just what is dainty wrestling? Oh you said deity.

Aye and they had a fat Canadian play the pipes too. Keeping fine fat Scotsmen out of jobs!!

Yeah but this was the state funeral for Superman. The Kent one was a quiet family affair.

Did you move into the country and eat a lot of them?

I always remember seeing her in The Faculty and thinking "what a strange beauty" she was and thinking we'd see a whole lot more of her in bigger things. That never happened and may well be for the best as she'd have never starred in some of the things she did.

Nobody who speaks German can be an evil man.

Thats Fat Vampire Pearl Barbie!!

How silly is she gonna look with a ginger wig?

What really annoys me is while we've had zero seasons of this show we've been subjected to 4 of Two Broke Girls.

Wait until you see green bowling on the Sun!

One of these days Key and Peele will be shown in the UK, one of these days….

Oh come on, you mean you never dropped a few Castaway into your bottle of tonic on a cold drab night in June?

Well played, we can do without that around here.

Sweet Tooth was actually Ian Krankie driven mad by the murder and rape of Wee Jimmie by a gang of ice cream men.

Actually it would be Fitba!!

Aye except for those in the warzone… which was somehow full of Glaswegians.

Not exactly a real bad one with the store itself but new comic book day at Forbidden Planet Glasgow always seemed to feature a rather large sweaty beardy guy who you could smell the instant you walked in the place. No matter what time of day you went he always seemed to be there. The staff eventually began to give you

The last shot should have been the one of Vader, Palpatine and Tarkin looking out across the newly constructed Death Star setting up the next 18 years of Empire rule.