Your Toronto Brew Jays

Plus, the Tiger Cats are waaay more fun than the Argos. Just sayin'.

Dang, only 34?!
From the cheap seats, I'd add Casino Royal and Star Trek, simply as must-see reboots of some franchises that were getting long in the tooth.

My brother-in-law noticed that a repeat of the pilot episode was showing. I quickly was hooked, while pretty much everyone else in the room fell away when the smoke monster made an appearance. Shame. Their loss, I guess. I'm seriously thinking about buying the complete box set when it comes out later this year.

No Love for The Nuge?
Ted Nugent could be quite entertaining once he got into his Detroit Motormouth routine. Machine gun banter on hunting beaver, Nashville pussy, etc.

As Tiger Woods now knows, it's called Booty-ism, not Buddhism.

Good call. Sayid already lost his soul doing all his mercenary/torturer stuff.

What did Desmond and Penny call their son - wasn't it Charlie?

@I Will Be Damned - as long as by "KICKASS" you mean "exciting", and not "over-hyped/looks to be pretty lame" - see: KICKASS The Movie.

Hitting Locke with a car was intended to trigger KIDNEY surgery; not spinal surgery…how else can the writers integrate both Locke's dad AND Jack into another big scene?

@TalkingStove - "TimmyfromLassieification" - brilliant! Now, we can finally knit WAAAAALT's dog into the story…

@Hotdog Head - good call. Perhaps a matching bag for Claire?

…and Shattered. Some Girls is where the Stones should have hung 'em up.

Good call on Quantum. The next Bond flick had better be top notch. Loved CR, but QofS was pretty mediocre. Even the car chase and fight scenes were irritating!

How 'bout Chuck Palahnuik? He shoulda packed it in after "Survivor".

I enjoyed Yield, but I'm probably one of the few…

I disagree on Metallica - sure there were some mis-steps, but Death Magnetic was pretty strong - despite the digital compression issues. If you hear the DM songs on Guitar Hero, they sound much better. Plus, they still rock in concert.

Transporter, Aerosmith (after Rocks), Toronto Maple Leafs (after NHL expansion), and Queen (after News of the World).

Sounds like an "Old King Clancy"… or maybe a "Two-Handed Zamboni"

Slash streamed the new music on his website - it's a mixed bag for sure, but there are a couple of keepers in there. The instrumental cut with Dave Grohl is pretty strong. Heck, even the song with the Wolfmother guy has a cool Led Zep riff in there. If Santana can make this format work, why couldn't Slash?

Cartoon Mayhem
Johnny Bravo and Roger Ramjet both seem to age well. At least in my universe. Yes, both were essentially one-joke shows, but they both still crack me up.