Yahoo Answers Brown?.
Yahoo Answers Brown?.
I'm personally more in favor of them as the argument against the I-V-iv-VI progression.
I mostly just dislike how a number of foot fetishists feel they need to share that particular affinity with everyone.
I have to say, I'd watch the hell out of a chess show hosted by Michael Cera. Particularly if it was on PBS at 3 in the morning.
Congratulations just feels so much more cohesive. Oracular was solid but the singles stick out so much from the rest of the album that I was honestly baffled the first time I listened to it.
Alanis Morissette at least seemed to understand dramatic irony, as her narratorial persona believed she was being ironic, while the audience knew otherwise.
That depends on whether said legend is Kurt Cobain.
I've generally found that Libertarians are just Republicans who know how to use the internet.
It's reassuring to know I'm not the only one who's had trouble with girlfriends who hate Corin Tucker's voice.
My entire high school band class hated that movie with a passion. At one they came up with an entire list of ridiculous punishments for people who brought it on school trips.
Anyone who says rock critics are totally ignorant of the rock music of the past clearly hasn't picked up an issue of Rolling Stone within the past few years.
I think Darryl exemplifies the show's slide into cartoonishness pretty well. In the earlier seasons he's good because we don't see him too often and he's relatively deadpan; after moving upstairs and losing the guy he used to play straight man to in Michael, his role basically devolves (or evolves, I guess) into being…
Wasn't Robert Plant a fan of the Runaways or something? I seem to recall seeing a picture of him hanging out with them somewhere.
"…and then everyone gets in the Money Chair, except for the murderer!"
Here's to hoping Book 2 isn't another mess of poorly-written relationship drama!
Hasn't "Arctic Monkeys grow up" been the tagline for more or less every review of their past three albums? I kind of feel like it has.
Yeah, I suspect it must've been weird for people buying Stunt back when "One Week" came out - you get these two goofy, happy-go-lucky singles, and then you move on to songs like "I'll Be That Girl" and "In The Car".
I saw them when they played with Ben Folds Five last month. Truth be told they seemed kind of tired.
How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad?
The difference is that unlike Barking Beatles, A Flock of Seagulls contained no dogs.