stay thirsty my friends

Damn, is it really that bad
I kind of wanted to see this.

Lone, does have a good point, though. Who the hell wants another internet campaign once the show is already off the air or threatened with cancellation. We need a preemptive strike on this mofo.

I think this is probably one of the best stand alone episodes of the series or just overall in general. What clinched it for this episode was where Walter sits down and talks with the scientist — that scene just nailed it.
Hopefully Fringe has hit its stride and keeps up with the great storytelling.

You kind of need to watch the 1st season to appreciate what happens later, especially with John Winchester. I remember it pretty closely to Castro and think things picked up once Meg showed up. The last 4-5 S1 episodes are definitely must see.

Get the DVR!. I'm so much happier now that I have it. I don't miss my favorite shows, except rarely. I use my cable provided service just cause the up front cost for a Tivo are too much for now, but it works fine. I don't exactly know what I am missing since it seems to work just like my friends who have Tivo, except

I'm not sure what he didn't like about the line. It seemed to fit. I read it as saying that even when things are good they're still pretty fucked up.

They seemed to imply that last episodes flip off from G-O-D is what sent Cass off the deep end. Although, this whole thing Dean contemplating becoming the vessel doesn't seem to match up with that (alternate) timeline.

Whoops, got Nick Lane mixed up with static electricity guy but I think the rest is still applicable.

My memory may be off but wasn't there already someone established as activating that Cortexifan Nick character from last season, the one who referred to Olivia as "Olive"? I seem to remember it was a doctor who was performing experiments who got away. Also in The Road not Taken there is that woman who burns up

The not in the lab part I got, but I forgot a candlestick was a weapon you could also use from Clue. That was a good catch.

Ugh, Premature Decapitation!
I don't know whats up with the defense of these two episodes but I think I'm kind of with Zack on his overall appreciation for how things turned out. I mean they literally blew their load on this episode and like Zack said "It was almost as if someone forgot there are eight more episodes

Pretty good episode
Had at least two good episodes this week with Fringe and Supernatural, but both were kind of mythology heavy.
The thing I liked about his episode was that it was heavy on continuity but it still advanced the plot some, especially in terms of the characters.
The two things I liked best was the

The whole brother-brother vibe and father-son vibe of the series makes me think that the resolution of the series is going to involve a lot interpersonal resolution between Lucifer and "Pops" and between him and his brother angels. In this case I don't think Zacharias going off the deep end is an anomaly so much as a

I kind of think a Deus Ex Machina will not happen. The creators seems to be trending toward a sort of free will triumphs over all type supposition of facing the apocalypse. This reminds me of the ending of Neon Genesis Evangelion where the agency of the individual plays a large role in the resolution of the conflict.

I don't know how much the pattern has to do with intermittent crossings between barriers of the parallel universes. The main reason I say this is because Walter already reference a map of weak points which he uses to decide where he places the first portal on the lake in the first place. Since that map already existed

Damn, Lone, totally forgot about the lil' observer episode. I guess we'll just have to go with a coven of time-traveling alternate universe George Carlin look alikes. Meh, could be worse.

@ Lone
The thing about the Observers is that they obviously can cross between realities without repercussions so their must be some safe way to do it. I think the question is whether crossing over is perfectly fine or if you have to find some safe way to do it that Walter has not figured out yet.

The whole interchange with Nina made me wonder what else was supposed to be going on in this episode. Obviously Walter loses the bits of his brain after he has gone over, but that leaves a lot of questions like when exactly did Bell crossover? The secretive way in which Nina talked about him made me think that maybe

Wow, John Noble.
He really hit it out of the park with this episode. My appreciation for him just continues to grow.
I guess my theory about a more nefarious Walter is out the window as we see that he's as much a victim of happenstance as anything else. It just makes me wonder where all that latent bad-ass vibe came

I think my favorite part was the owl too, at least as a kid. Its all weighed on the same scale, though, so if they can up the nudity quotient it might compensate for the owl.