GBV is a great band to just hit shuffle all on Spotify: it's an endless amalgamation of great, weird, short, and just all-around satisfying.
GBV is a great band to just hit shuffle all on Spotify: it's an endless amalgamation of great, weird, short, and just all-around satisfying.
+! for ASMR: I listen to Garrison Keillor or interviews with Rep. John Lewis for my fix.
Might I suggest The Dollop for additional hilarity and knowledge?
"You guys know how Jimmy over at the Subway over in the Elm Grove shopping center always puts the cucumbers on your sub like THIS?…"
The Disintegration Loops will really get you in the mood to face that lurking existential darkness as it slowly creeps up on us all!
Did you just call me Coltrane? No, you did, you just called me Coltrane.
The "Whiplash" soundtrack. Great stuff to get you working like an obsessed maniac at your desk. My boss is frequently in my face yelling shit like "quit bleeding on my damn SPREADSHEETS, Yabels!
You have him go up against Denzel's character from The Equalizer…
"Hey gang. I want to tell you all something about, and, and it's not something I've thought about in a long time, it's not something I ever felt I NEEDED to talk about….but here we are. I like, even though I guess I never really GOT it. But I guess now I get IT, whatever IT is. And I guess in a…
"Sherry Fraser" was a great jam, also "A Cloak of Elvenkind". Some cool stuff on that album.
Considering the fact that Harvey Danger wanted to publish zines, I think saying that they're the AV Club is pretty damn spot-on.
Pretty much the entire Marcy Playground album was great, and tragically overlooked. Same can be said for the Harvey Danger and Semisonic albums: all great, all suffering from one-hit wonderitis.
Ahh the black light fantasy posters in Spencer's, right next to the bongs.
True, it does also sound like "People Get Ready".
A few more for ya:
Hey! Principal Belding is just a little overweight, He's not some food-crazed maniac!
That fiddle dude was like the DJ in bands like Incubus…hilariously unnecessary.
We're a week out from "Gateways to Geekery: Understanding the Teenage Male Joys of Simple Plan".
I more aspired to be like Jason Segel's character from SLC Punk! A guy who looked average on presentation but was really a dyed-in-the-wool fanatic who would rock the fuck out if presented with the proper opportunity.
"…uptight dicks who were all undercover pervert creeps in thrifted shirts for bar mitzvah's they never went to."