
The guitars were tuned and cranked up high, the drums had great rock tempos, and the vocals were appropriately stadium-loud. Hooray competence!

"Nightcrawler" is mercilessly misanthropic and dark. I really got a "Mullholland Drive" vibe from watching it: and yes, Gyllenhaal chews the scenery with his bug-eyed mugging. But it is an incredible story and very well shot, and scored. For those reasons, it deserves to be on this list.

I definitely enjoyed the first two Hunger Games movies, but this one was just slow and dull. Still, I did like the scene where the workers scale the trees to kill the guards.

I liked those fight scenes against the MUTOs but the whole time I was thinking "So when are the Jaegers gonna show up?"

Anybody read the troubleshooting manual on those robots? "The Fault In Our TARS"?

This is always the problem with the X-Men movies: you have to sacrifice screen time for some mutants to cover the activities of others; those who move the plot along. Although I think "Days of Future's Past" does the best job so far of incorporating a big slew of disparate mutant characters into a cohesive story.

Fuck yes "Blue Ruin.

+1 for the prison yard fight: unflinchingly brutal and incredibly exciting.

That was an excellent stand-alone episode. Even outside of the Leftovers universe it would make a great short film.

Hooray to "LIVE. DIE. REPEAT." (aka "DVD Marketing Re-Title") revived Paxton's role he was born to play: doomed space marine.

Did anybody else think that Bill Paxton's character was going to come back for some final act revenge a la Sgt. Dignam from The Departed? I'm glad it didn't happen because that would've been too movie-script 101, but still.

Is this a good place to complain about how my favorite line from 22 Jump Street (Tatum's strained attempt at an undercover alias "My name's Jeff") has now become an annoyingly ubiquitous meme?

What's especially great about the Potter scene is that it is indicative of the evolving process of "Boyhood" as a film. There's no way when Linklater was sketching out his initial drafts he thought: "Okay, so then I'll have the family attend the release of some forthcoming cultural phenomenon on par with 'Star Wars'".

I really liked the scenes with the drunk step-dad. I didn't recognize that actor, but man did he nail his role as a menacing, emotionally manipulative abuser.

You only say that because it's Christmas time. Around Easter you'll be all about the Groot who sacrifices himself for our sins/wood burning.

Yeahh Gina works over at Melon Shakers…the gentleman's club.

Best bet is go with "Wanted (Dead or Alive)"…much easier to hit those notes and people like that song almost as much.

Love that lyric that mentions ransoms and captives.

I don't know what you're talking about, Christianity has never adopted something secular for its own purposes.

This show is almost as good as "Anthony Bourdain: Farts Unknown", wherein Bourdain seeks to discern "who dealt it".