
They're technically brothers, but the homo-eroticism still holds true.
And actually, for the Fox News fan, imagine if Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly were Irish Catholic, righteous, rage-fueled crusaders who relentless pursue those who they deem to be plagues on society in an endless quest for crusader-like

Sounds like that insipid "Red Eye" show should incorporate "THERE WAS A FIREFIGHT!" for a debate segment.

Oh man, tell me about it: I'm always picking at my neckbeard.

Here's an interesting thought experiment/debate: which author should be considered more morally repugnant in their influence on society: Ayn Rand or L. Ron Hubbard? Granted, Ayn Rand has influenced more, but she never went as far as Hubbard.

Thanks for the suggestion, Will Hunting.

Especially when Cleatus (yeah, I looked up the name) just stands there during an NFL promo. Like, it sort of shakes its head and shuffles from foot to foot. That's some great mascoting right there.
Side note: Cleatus nearly ruined my appreciation for Pacific Rim due to his resemblance to Gypsy Danger.

Because the "corruption of the children" is a terrifying concept to evangelicals, and guess who has first stab at their kids once they leave the nest?

Goddammit those red circles. Take a picture of ANYTHING and add a red circle with some headline like "This strange new anti-aging discovery has scientists baffled" and you have instant internet-rage. I PREFER pop-ups to those "news stories" planted at the bottom of most cultural website articles.

I think most of the whole "Obama did it/false flag stuff comes from a willful ignorance that random, senseless evil exists in the world and it can strike at any time, without some overarching political/religious/financial reason.

I'd still be buddies with somebody who was like…"Dude…'Song of Solomon'? That shit is HOT!"

If I met that guy, I'd walk up to him and say "I hate everything about you." …then we'd high-five.

A good way to tell whether it's actual hip-hop is if there is a discernible drum kit being played in the song's mix.

What about when the Simpsons aired that communist propaganda "Worker & Parasite"? My children wanted to SHARE their allowance after that!!

"LaRouche won't quit telling knock-knock jokes back here." (Futurama quote, but whaddya gonna do).

Rex Banner was a Stonecutter?! Shocking revelation.

The Boondock Saints life cycle: Stage 1: Little-known indie phase. 2. Different, crazy indie your roommate loves and you like some parts of phase. 3. Funny movie to quote at parties phase. 4. Obnoxious, ubiquitous dorm-room wall poster phase. 5. Train-wreck curiosity phase (when you watch "Overnight" and re-watch

The A.V. Club - "It's cool in here, boy."

It almost seems like we're seeing the new version of "every remotely successful stand-up in the 90's got their own TV show"…now everybody with a remotely successful podcast gets their own TV show.

So true: Maron's email-reading and reactions on stage are pretty damn funny. But reading fan email and responding in a humorous way is something that Bill Burr does well on his Monday Morning Podcast, but Burr would never do that on stage since his strength is really in his pure standup, whereas it's the opposite for

You know who hasn't completely embraced this fact? Marc Maron.