When they came out with "The Children of the Corn vs. Alien & Predator" the series really jumped the shark and/or reached it's zenith.
When they came out with "The Children of the Corn vs. Alien & Predator" the series really jumped the shark and/or reached it's zenith.
My favorite Tintin book was "Tintin in America", and I always thought it was hilarious how the intro sets up that Tintin "was sent to clean up America from the gangs". I'm sure the French intelligence agencies were like, "We need to send a boyish reporter by himself to take on Al Capone and company". That would be…
Kingdom of the what now? I think guys you're confusing the trilogy with some misguided fan-fic.
"This is how democracy dies…with thunderous…Obama."
What about the king from Dragonheart who got the dragon's heart who ended up being evil? I guess he was more of a teenage king. Oh well, look to the stars, Bowen.
What ever happened to "top" as British slang? As in: "That show was fucking top, mate!"
Cole Alexander is 24, so I guess he gets away with using slang like "ratchet", but that doesn't make it any less irritating.
They all hate us anyhow, so let's drop the big one now!
That'd be my one complaint about the band is that the sound can be too muddled. I can't decipher the lyrics over the wall of guitars half the time.
Sadly, I think Talking Heads have become frat-boy rock for some reason. I saw a TH tribute band recently and it was wall-to-wall fratty types.
Sounds like you just took a glance at the atrocious album cover to make this review of "Boys and Girls".
It's catchy as hell, but it sounds so, SO similar to "Little Willy".
Also, you should win things by watching.
Still love it. But wow, you're spot on with that Bay City Rollers comparison.
One more album like this and he'll have gone full Nick Drake. You never go full Nick Drake.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail: My Dad used to fast-forward the scenes with the nuns who wanted "the oral sex", telling me "Ahhh, don't worry, this part's not funny". I shrugged and thought nothing of it, waiting to get back to the hilarity. I thought it was a deleted scene when I finally saw the whole movie later as…
The title track really is the best of the bunch on "Challengers". For break-up songs sung by a male/female fronted indie band from the 2000's, the award goes to Stars' "Your Ex-Lover is Dead".
Ballad of a Comeback Kid is a top three greatest Pornos song.
Worst week was great; a "Meet the Parents" TV show. I'm not surprised that it didn't make it past one season, just based on the premise.
Clone High, while amazing, overshadows another funny MTV animated comedy 3-South. Nearly impossible to search for online due to it's odd name, 3-South is "Undeclared" for the Family Guy set. Absurdist, featuring great voice work from Brian Posehn, and drawn like The Far Side, "3-South" is another great, forgotten…