
Kimmel loves pranking: he knew that Joaquin Phoenix was faking it during the "I'm Still Here" debacle and played along:

British music press be like: "Noel Gallagher is drinking WHAT kind of coffee now?!?! Blimey!"

Mullet is Murder.

The shorter you cut it, the cooler I get.

You saying we ain't werkin'? *SPITS*

People got a lotta nerve.*

"Get your paws off my A.V. Club, you damn, dirty apes!!" - Arctic Monkeys haters

People got a lotta nerve!

Needs to include the main dude from The Polyphonic Spree in the pantheon of "messianic whimsy".

Will Harris you are my hero for picking "I-95". That is a hidden gem in that album. And as a fellow Virginian, I agree wholeheartedly.

That comment was drawn from succulent creative juices, written online servers of the purest gold.

"Buckingham Green" (Live from Chicago version)

I think "Stay Forever" also shows off excellent Ween's pop-rock chops. That song could have been on the radio, easy.

Me too, actually! These guys are such virtuosos. It's incredible how many genres they manage to completely encapsulate while still keeping that Ween sound.

Thomas Barrow from Downton Abbey.

"Don't worry about Huell, he can move when he has to."

RIP T-Dog…and RIP "New Black Guy".

Or Danny McBride. Either would have been a welcome, hilarious addition, and an easy target for the roasters.


I love Will Sasso as one of Al Capone's henchmen happily explaining to another henchman (Waters), what's wrong with their boss, (Joe Lo Truglio):