Zero chance I edit this comment to correct my hilarious mistake.
Zero chance I edit this comment to correct my hilarious mistake.
Situations In Life Where You Feel Like Frank Grimes Thread!
This article has got to be some of the best critical writing I think I've ever read on this site. Kudos to all the authors for so expertly analyzing such a marvelous episode!
This movie kicks ass for the last half hour where he chokes up on that psycho who kidnapped, terrorized, and killed most of that family. That's a very memorable fight scene; one that just involves a one-sided struggle, but it was very believable. Great stuff.
It's a pretty overwrought and ridiculous movie; but I can't help but think it would have translated better as a Hayao Miyazaki animated film.
I liked The Village because it's a movie that really GOES for the concept. I try to distance myself from a director's previous works. If The Village was an indie from an unknown director, it would probably have been heralded as a sleeper hit. But since it's M. Night, people were ready to lambaste his familiar plot and…
Which director (who made a genius first film, then an underrated but still passionate second, and mixed bag to awful rest) is better?
Is Michael Caine reprising his role from "The Prestige"? Otherwise, I'm out.
The intro to The Lone Ranger trailer actually looks really good; like a Hell On Wheels type movie about corruption in the West. But then Armie and Johnny show up and it all goes to shit.
I loved The Long Walk. I can't help but think that The Hunger Games is merely a more fleshed-out version of that story.
My threads are constantly soaked with booze.
That was actually Ray Croc.
Anybody else get a Governor (from Walking Dead) vibe out of that whole room? Glass jars of dead things, and a daughter locked away from public view?
Hey, the Walkers get a bad rap. So far they've killed less people on the show than most of the other Westeros rogues gallery
eggs, hooker Shae, Red Lady, Blackwater Bay, South of the Wall,
Winter coming, Jon the Bastard Snow.
Headey loves doing that open jaw manipulation thing when Cersei is perturbed. Signature move!
Are the Karstarks some kind of familial relations, a la Sackville-Bagginses?
It was like a more-justified beheading than the one that Theon did to that guy back in Winterfell that took like four chops.
Ser Bolton could host American Idol with his oh-so deliberate speaking pace. Not to mention the musical pedigree of his name!
Stop it with your accurate descriptions of us! We don't want them thinking all of us posters are EXACTLY the same.