
Aaaaghh! I hate it.
I haven't really checked it out, but I know I won't like it.

I thought the same thing about Ando's lost accent. I really wondered if that was going somehow be explained by his new power. No explanation yet, but I will be sure to watch many more terrible episodes in case we find out.

Can you tell me a little more about that?

I was talking more about the so-called butterfly effect. I mean, wouldn't Claire's conversation with her dad in the past have maybe set her on a course of obesity, or on a course to becoming an orinthopter enthusiast, or to have picked a different color wig? That profoundly significant conversation in the past had

Time Travel
I hate the way Heroes is so casual about time travel. It's a difficult subject to keep "logical" in the first place, but geez. I can't think of anyone whose life has been altered by their trips into the past.

I thought …
… psychiatry gained legitimacy in the trenches of WWI.

I thought Suresh had turned into a cockroach-type bug a la Kafka's metamorphosis. It seemed like they were hammering that over our heads when the cockroach crawled over the post-commercial title text. Then Future Suresh seemed to scurry along the ground when Past Peter found him.

Poor thing? Yeah, I guess that's true. When I see a horrible piece like this it makes me worry that one of the few reliable sources of entertainment and on the Web might be taking a turn for the worse.

So fucking boring
Ugh. I barely made it past the first part. I had to cut it off during the second part.

Mike Myers was unspeakably bad, but we didn't need to be affronted by commercials from both his movie *and* Adam Sandler's awful looking movie based on a not-at-all offensive, stereotyped character.

One Chord Wonder
Did anyone notice the odd way David Cook was playing guitar with ZZ Top? He played one chord the entire time and was just barely strumming the top string. I wonder if it was even plugged in.

Apparently I'm alone on this one, but I thought Asia'h had more personality than any of the top 12. And her voice had some character - I liked it.

Yeah, he's terrible, but so were Robbie and Jason. One of them had to stay. He'll be gone next week.

I do record the show. You're totally right - there is literally about a minute of content (the results themselves) in those shows. The rest varies from boring to painful (+ 20 minutes of commercials).

Results Shows
This has probably been said a million times here (I'm relatively new), so I apologize if the sentiment is old.

What about Amanda's Dancing?
She looked like she got tasered mid-song.