Dorian Mode

Can you die happy now? I can.

Oh if only.

Oh, I've been to Prague.


Somewhere where I can cherish it forever and ever, obviously.

You may be surprised.

Isn't that second picture a dog and a hippo?

Let us celebrate our agreement with the adding of chocolate to milk.

I miss everything good in life :(

Wait, what happened?

Damn it, am I going to have to get into an internet argument?

Was it? I really don't understand how this works.

They are big fans of the 'okina around here.

I'm not a super huge fan of Banksy, but the links can still be interesting, and I can easily skip over them too.

Someone explain it to me like I'm an Omicronian: why does Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other five?

He's gone.

A pretty hot girl that I know from college spells it "Hallowe'en", so I'm going to allow this.

I'd celebrate Purim with Annie, if you know what I mean.

Wait, why am I the reason these movies will suck? I was trying to say I want to see the movies you claim the studios won't make. Most modern horror movies really don't appeal to me at all.

Classic horror shares a lot with adventure stories, though, so I think the ideal would be a mixture of both.