Dorian Mode

Dude's got that HBO money. He'd just go buy more hats and hamburgers.

I'm pretty sure they're mixing it all up in the upcoming seasons, since they can't have main characters disappearing offscreen for years at a time.

@MarkoP:disqus I'll bet Jonas Venture got swallowed by a whale at some point in time.

Wait, I always thought it was "whale" too. Someone get Rivers Cuomo in here to explain himself!

They're functionally the same in that speaking any one of them makes you a huge nerd.

This is far too much talk about hard-ons, and not nearly enough talk about wide-ons.

It's actually part of a dirty limerick.

Hey guys, I finally get those "I AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS" references now. So that's pretty cool, I guess.

@avclub-7833d176ad6f6dde5efc95848e6f47a8:disqus I found that just ignoring a lot of what they were saying worked pretty well.

@DukeSilverTrio:disqus Well, some of us had braces for a long time :(

@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus Because in my experience, people who say that they hate a particular comedian hate a few specific things about their schtick, and when they're part of a larger ensemble those aspects are usually toned down quite a bit.

I kept thinking of Jewel Staite, but they really don't look that similar so I think my mind just got some Whedon wires crossed.

Guys. Guys. I'm telling you: Vikings!

I just can't wait for Ming Na to get down to business to defeat the Huns.

Skye was a bit annoying, but she's also hot (and ethnically ambiguous!), so she gets a pass for now.

I mean, I can see why people don't care for Andy Samberg, but I still find this attitude pretty silly. It's exactly the same as people who refuse to watch Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World because they don't like Michael Cera.

I've never played fantasy football, but as a Back to the Future/Houston Texans fan, I will be stealing this team name if I ever decide to start.

Andy got a passport before he went to Kansas to climb mountains.

The terrible Beatles covers in the terrible Across the Universe already destroyed my ability to feel happiness, so I don't think this Glee episode will affect me at all.