Dorian Mode

@avclub-5b7e0a1ad5d9ac9ef3063b05f55b6d31:disqus Hey, everybody get a load of the NERD!

I once put on "I Just Had Sex" by The Lonely Island while having sex with my girlfriend. It was fairly amusing, if not really temporally accurate. Then the rest of the album played, and it was just weird.

Well, Jeff Fahey come in during the middle of Lost's run, but despite all the silliness that turned a lot of people against that show I can't imagine anyone disliking Lapidus.

I don't work in tech support, but I do wish that @avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus, specifically, would stop piling on extraneous details when describing computer problems.

What the fuck — Oconomowoc? That can't be a real place.

That "some point" should be right now. Go watch "Marge vs. the Monorail." I'll wait.

You know, Loki, some people like to fill the world with silly love songs. And what's wrong with that?

I fully support the continuation of this meme.

That's why I said it yesterday!

David Chen? Are there actually non-white people in Boise?

You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college!

Oh! Check out red shirt diaries over here. Spill much? Have a little cheese with that wine you stupid clumsy bitch! 
Oh… You guys don't do pile ons?

The review for "Shark Sandwich" was merely a two word review which simply read "Shit Sandwich".

This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!

"My momma said my daddy's name was Black Dynamite!"

Just wait for the day when Dowd is visited by the ghosts of Miyazaki past, present, and future, who teach him the true meaning of Spirited Away.

Pretty sure the incest thing isn't going to be in the Spike Lee version. That's what I keep hearing, anyway.

Maybe they mean it more in the sense that people in Hawaii do.

I want to keep an open mind about Oldboy, but the trailer did nothing to assuage my fears that it will just be a cheap facsimile of the Korean version, sans incest.