Dorian Mode

I have a crazy friend who says it's wrong to eat meat. Is he crazy?

Featured content: Shampoo

Forget it, @avclub-58238e9ae2dd305d79c2ebc8c1883422:disqus; it's Chinatown.

I think it's also because the internet, or at least certain parts of it such as webforums, is still largely seen as the realm of nerdy young men, and as nerdy young men they're still awkwardly trying to find their place in the world and figure out how to deal with sex and romance. A small minority of this group can't

I'm imagining that every time you call home, your dad answers the phone by saying "Hi Son. Carlos Mencia is a pretty okay comedian, really. How have you been?"

@avclub-8210173b51782dc7755ef71fc36d4197:disqus Have you been studying the work of @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus?

Oh, no. It was apparently produced by RZA. The sample of the guy talking about badman, etc. in a Jamaican accent reminds me of Major Lazer, though.

Plus a little bit of Major Lazer on "I'm in It".

I'm pretty sure it was Lonyinus

Wow, really? Now the reference I thought would be vaguely amusing is instead rather depressing.

Is "Kookaburra" also still under copyright? If I were a member of Men At Work, I'd be paying close attention to this case.

@avclub-6394591970da8730175116d358945935:disqus I had never seen the musical prior to seeing the movie, so I do probably have a different perspective than someone who was already a huge fan, but I really think it's well done, average singing voices and all.

Agreed, and I have also gone on the record as a fan of Burton's Sweeney Todd.

What's wrong with being sexy?

It holds true if you're talking about the physical act of love.

I don't use the word "hero" lightly, but you are the greatest hero in American history.

He doesn't mention it, if I remember correctly, but the other characters do, so he's clearly told it to them at some point off-screen.

Smitty would fit right in at any of the hipper bars I've frequented in the past few years.

Plus Deerhunter, The Knife, and a bunch of up-and-coming acts:

'Cause everyone's a millionaire.