Dorian Mode

I'm excited for the new Arrested Development, too, you guys.

My roommate has also apparently decided to read the ASOIAF wiki without having read the books. I really do not understand his motivation, but he was apparently very excited to read about all the crazy things that are going to happen in a condensed manner.

@avclub-09a0aabb73e345f3b2ad865bc4fc1b28:disqus I know; I wasn't joking.

The continued refusal of the Grammar Police to recognize African American Vernacular English as a distinct dialect of English with its own grammar rules is a stain on our great nation.

I already do that on every article, anyway.

No, I was in Germany. I teleconferenced in.

I understand more than you'll…never know.

Yes, that opening is wonderful. 21 singing Holst and doing his sound effects is just about the best thing ever, and then 24 joins in, which just pushes it over the top.


This is the kind of internet sleuthery I appreciate.

Dig this: $3000 is exactly what I charge for voice-acting classes.

This guy.

You don't have to go home, but you should probably check in sometime soon before anybody gets worried.

I second @avclub-d4ab2732ed8ac6a4b2d9734cf4c851d2:disqus, except for the Texas venues. I'm going to be visiting family next week, so I might actually be able to catch this.

Yeah, I had been meaning to catch up with this show for a long time, but was then disappointed by Netflix only putting up one season. I ended up downloading the rest from iTunes with the ridiculous amount of iTunes credit I had amassed over the past year.

I finally caught up with this show via iTunes last month, but I'm still excited to see how Gary sums it up for me.

I'm not sure if Harmon ever reads these boards in particular, but I did personally offend him one time in the comments on another article.

Songwriting is far too low of a profession for a baron, though.

I don't know; I've heard Tyrion's been nicknamed "tripod".